async_bgm_api.api 源代码

import urllib
import urllib.parse
from typing import List, Union

import aiohttp

from async_bgm_api.exceptions import RecordNotFound, ServerConnectionError
from async_bgm_api.models import (
from async_bgm_api.models.subject import SubjectLarge, SubjectMedia


UserID = Union[str, int]

[文档]class BgmApi: """ :param mirror: if use mirror ```` """ def __init__(self, mirror=False): if mirror: = "" else: = "" self.base_url = f"https://{}/" self._session = None def url(self, path): return urllib.parse.urljoin(self.base_url, path) @property def session(self): if not self._session: self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession( headers={"user-agent": REQUEST_SERVICE_USER_AGENT}, ) return self._session async def get( self, url, *, params=None, headers=None, ): try: async with self.session.get( self.url(url), params=params, headers=headers, ) as resp: return await self.json(resp) except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError as e: raise ServerConnectionError(raw_exception=e) @staticmethod def _raise_if_404(data) -> bool: if "error" in data: if data["code"] == 404: return True return False @classmethod async def json(cls, resp: aiohttp.ClientResponse): data = await resp.json() if cls._raise_if_404(data): raise RecordNotFound(request=resp.request_info, response=resp) return data
[文档] async def get_user_info(self, user_id: UserID) -> UserInfo: """ `<用户/get_user__username_>`_ :param user_id: """ data = await self.get(f"/user/{user_id}") return UserInfo.parse_obj(data)
[文档] async def get_user_collection( self, user_id: UserID, cat: CollectionCat, ) -> List[UserCollection]: """ `<用户/get_user__username__collection>`_ :param user_id: :param cat: ``watching`` or ``all_watching`` """ try: async with self.session.get( self.url(f"/user/{user_id}/collection"), params={"cat": cat}, ) as resp: data = await resp.json() if data is None: return [] if self._raise_if_404(data): raise RecordNotFound(request=resp.request_info, response=resp) return [UserCollection.parse_obj(x) for x in data] except aiohttp.ClientConnectionError as e: raise ServerConnectionError(raw_exception=e)
async def get_calendar(self) -> List[Calendar]: data = await self.get("/calendar") return [Calendar.parse_obj(x) for x in data]
[文档] async def get_subject_small(self, subject_id: int) -> SubjectSmall: """get subject info with response group small :param subject_id: """ data = await self.get( f"/subject/{subject_id}", params={"responseGroup": "small"} ) return SubjectSmall.parse_obj(data)
[文档] async def get_subject_media(self, subject_id: int) -> SubjectMedia: """get subject info with response group ``medium``, ``medium`` should be typo I guess. :param subject_id: """ data = await self.get( f"/subject/{subject_id}", params={"responseGroup": "medium"} ) return SubjectMedia.parse_obj(data)
[文档] async def get_subject_large(self, subject_id: int) -> SubjectLarge: """ get subject info with response group large :param subject_id: """ data = await self.get( f"/subject/{subject_id}", params={"responseGroup": "large"} ) return SubjectLarge.parse_obj(data)
[文档] async def get_subject_with_eps(self, subject_id: int) -> SubjectWithEps: """ `<条目/get_subject__subject_id__ep>`_ :param subject_id: """ data = await self.get(f"/subject/{subject_id}/ep") return SubjectWithEps.parse_obj(data)
async def close(self): await self.session.close() async def __aenter__(self) -> "BgmApi": return self async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close()